


NOTE: Over the past few years, mites have been discovered in grapes. While many hashgachos, including the Vaad, have not as of yet set a policy on washing grapes, there are some agencies that have adopted the following washing procedure

Steps for cleaning grapes

  1. Place grape cluster into a large bowl / pan or sink filled with water. Larger clusters should be broken into manageable pieces.
  2. Hold cluster firmly; thoroughly move around in a circular motion, first in one direction and then in the other direction.
  3. Refill or fill another large bowl / pan or sink with soapy water, then fully submerge and soak grapes for five minutes.
  4. Repeat step #2 in the soapy water.
  5. Under a heavy stream of water, rinse grapes well (water pressure must be very strong). No further checking is necessary.