Basmati Rice

Basmati Rice

» Can be found on top of the rice grain

Basmati rice is used in large quantities. This rice originates in India, where quality control of products
is uncertain. Therefore, basmati rice (in burlap sacks) can be infested throughout the year. Smaller packages of basmati rice, purchased for home use, originates from these burlap sacks, and must also be checked. Basmati rice is used as a staple in certain communities, and the checking is especially challenging for those people who use very large quantities of basmati rice.

Steps for cleaning basmati rice:
1. In a well-lit area, spread a sheet of white parchment paper on your work surface.
2. Pour amount of rice you are checking into a medium-mesh strainer large enough to hold the amount of basmati rice desired.
3. Use a vigorous back-and-forth motion to move around rice in the strainer over the parchment paper.
4. Examine the paper for the presence of insects. If any insects are found, discard entire amount of rice.
5. If no insects are found, the rice may be used without further inspection.

Steps for cleaning basmati rice:
1. In a well-lit area, spread a sheet of white parchment paper on your work surface.
2. Pour amount of rice you are checking into a medium-mesh strainer large enough to hold the amount of basmati rice desired.
3. Use a vigorous back-and-forth motion to move around rice in the strainer over the parchment paper.
4. Examine the paper for the presence of insects. If any insects are found, discard insects. Repeat process of agitating; examine paper again. If any insects are found again, discard entire amount of rice.
5. If no insects are found after agitation, pour the rice onto the clean parchment paper. Spread the rice on the paper, visually examining for insect presence. If no insects are found, the rice
may be used without further inspection.
